Sunday, April 28, 2013

TV On The Throne: A Game of Thrones Podcast S3E04 - "And Now His Watch Is Ended"

And Now His Watch Is Ended: Sean, Lynn and Andrew talk about misperceptions of power and loyalty in the latest episode of Game of Thrones. There is some speculation as to where the intrigues of this season are headed and a comparison between the failing philosophies of the Night's Watch and the Jedi Knights. It was only a matter of time until we starting making Star Wars comparisons, folks...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

TV On The Throne: A Game of Thrones Podcast S3E03 - "Walk of Punishment"

Walk of Punishment: Sean, Andrew and Gary dissect the latest Game of Thrones episode. The brutality of war and the questionable ethics of the nobility that starts wars is a big focus of the discussion, but it quickly degenerates into an awkward examination of how prominently the threat of rape factors into this episode and the show in general.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

TV on the Throne: A Game of Thrones Podcast S3E02- "Dark Wings, Dark Words"

Dark Wings, Dark Words: Sean, Lynn and Andrew talk about Episode 2 of Season 3 with an emphasis on the importance of character development, plot structure, and the awkwardness of sex scenes in prose.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

TV on the Throne: A Game of Thrones Podcast S3E01- "Valar Dohaeris"

Valar Dohaeris: TV Ate My Dinner presents its first official spin-off! Sean, Andrew and Lynn discuss the ins and outs of the Season 3 premiere of Game of Thrones. Dragons! Zombies! Giants! Nipple-less slave soldiers! Looks like Season 3's off to a good start.

Cool link: Game of Thrones theme - acoustic version

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